Edith Cowan University Information

  • Introduction

    ECU has more than 30,000 students. From the scientific to the creative, there's something for everyone to study at ECU, with a diverse range of courses, and most offering the flexibility of online study.

    Our courses are designed with industry consultation and our teaching staff have extensive professional experience and networks.

    So, our students can expect to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence they'll need to meet the challenges of today's and tomorrow's workplaces.

    Our courses are also internationally recognised, with many being professionally accredited by national and international organisations.

    Student learning also extends beyond the classroom with practicum placements in real businesses or organisations, and opportunities for paid internships and international study tours.
  • Why Choose ECU?

    • Our students have rated ECU top public university in Australia for their overall experience, skills development and student support in the 2022 QILT Student Experience Survey.
    • ECU is also ranked top of all Western Australian universities for teaching quality, overall experience, skills development, student support and learning resources survey categories.
    • ECU has again been ranked in the world’s top 100 universities under 50 years old in the 2023 Times Higher Education (THE) Young Universities Rankings.
    • For an amazing 17 years in a row, ECU’s teaching quality has been rated 5-stars by graduates in the Good Universities Guide. ECU was also rated 5-stars for undergraduate overall experience, skills development, student support, learning resources and learner engagement.
    Fantastic facilities and programs
    ECU City is our exciting new campus in the centre of Perth CBD that's due to open for classes in 2026.

    It's the future of university education — urban, connected, integrated with business and community — and part of the lifeblood of our thriving city. And it will transform the city of Perth, delivering a world-class Creative Industries, Business and Technology precinct.

    ECU also has a wide range of courses across a number of study areas with highlights including:
    • Offering one of the most comprehensive Arts and Humanities Schools in the southern hemisphere.
    • Our Business and Law students have access to state-of-the-art facilities including the Digital Hub, SMART Lab, Law Moot Court, Centre for Business Development, Business Bureau and Tax Clinic.
    • The latest Graduate Outcomes Survey shows 93% of our graduates are in full-time employment within 3 years of completing their degrees, above the national average.
    • We offer a comprehensive range of medical and health science courses and are ranked 33 for Sports-related courses in the 2023 QS World University Rankings by Subject.
    • ECU has a reputation for producing some of the highest quality nursing and midwifery graduates in Western Australia and is recognised as a top 100 nursing program worldwide.
    • ECU is the only Australian university recognised as an International Cybersecurity Center of Excellence.
    • And we are very proud to be home to WAAPA, one of the world's leading performing arts academies.
  • Admission requirements

    Universities have many admission pathways, catering for applicants with varying qualifications, such as Year 12 studies, Vocational Education and Training qualifications, tertiary studies, and work and life experience.

    At ECU, we believe people from all backgrounds should have the opportunity to access a university education. That's why we've created a range of innovative admission pathways.

    Our pathways are available for school leavers and other applicants, and we provide the support and flexibility to anyone wanting to further themselves through education.

    While ECU will make every effort to offer you a place in your chosen course, attaining the minimum academic and English competency isn't an automatic guarantee. Sometimes the number of eligible applicants is greater than the number of places. Where this occurs, offers will be made on a competitive basis.

    English competency requirements
    All applicants are required to meet ECU's minimum English requirements as follows and equivalencies will be considered.

    Bachelor and Associate degrees
    WA English course: You must have achieved:
    ATAR English
    (including English, Literature, English as an Additional Language/Dialect or English as a Second Language)
    • a final scaled score of at least 50, OR
    • a final school letter grade of A, B, or C studied in Year 12
    General English*
    (including English, Literature, English as an Additional Language/Dialect or English as a Second Language)
    • a final school letter grade of A
      (*Experienced Based Entry Scheme and Creative Humanities Portfolio Entry pathway applicants only)
    WACE English (Stage 2 or 3)
    (including English, Literature, English as an Additional Language/Dialect or English as a Second Language)
    • a final scaled score of at least 50, OR
    • a final school letter grade of A, B, or C in two units (Stage 2 or above) studied in Year 12
    Wholly School Assessed
    Senior English
    • a final school letter grade of A studied in Year 12
    Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)
    • 140 or greater on the STAT Written English (if sat after February 2010)
    ECU Approved English Test
    • a satisfactory level of competency in an ECU approved English test.

    University Preparation and University Diploma courses
    WA English course: You must have achieved:
    ATAR or TEE English
    (including English, Literature, English as an Additional Language/Dialect or English as a Second Language)
    • a final scaled score of at least 50, OR
    • a final school letter grade of A, B, C or D studied in Year 12
    General English*
    (including English, Literature, English as an Additional Language/Dialect or English as a Second Language)
    • a final school letter grade of A, B or C studied in Year 12
    WACE English (Stage 1, 2 or 3)
    (including English, Literature, English as an Additional Language/Dialect or English as a Second Language)
    • a final scaled score of at least 50, OR
    • a final school letter grade of A, B, or C in one unit (Stage 2 or above) studied in Year 12, OR
    • a final school letter grade of A in both 1C and 1D units studied in Year 12
    Wholly School Assessed
    Senior English
    • a final school letter grade of A, B or C studied in Year 12
    Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)
    • 110 or greater on the STAT Written English (if sat after February 2010).

    Academic entry requirements
    ECU offers a variety of ways to meet our minimum academic entry requirements for a course, depending on what you have studied previously, or your work or life experience. We call these admission pathways.

    In addition to meeting our minimum academic requirements through one of our admission pathways, applicants may also be required to have:
    • achieved WACE or equivalent (School leaver applicants only); and
    • satisfied ECU's minimum English requirements; and
    • met any course specific prerequisites.

    Overseas qualifications
    Provision is made for the recognition of overseas qualifications. Contact Future Students on 134 328 for further advice.

  • Admission pathways

    There's more than one way into an undergraduate course at ECU. Whether you're a Year 12 student or you aren't fresh out of year 12, there are multiple pathways for course entry at ECU.

      If you satisfy our minimum English and academic requirements and you:
      • have or will obtain an ATAR, you may meet the admission requirements for your chosen undergraduate course with your ATAR;
      • have not or will not obtain an ATAR, you may still have some options as outlined below.
      If you've attended a school on our ECU Access List, your selection rank may be adjusted upwards and you may meet the requirements for an undergraduate course.

      Alternatively, you may:
      • be eligible to apply through our Experience Based Entry Scheme; or
      • apply for another course with a lower ATAR requirement; or
      • consider our UniPrep course which we recommend you include as a preference on your application.
      How to apply
      School Leaver applicants should apply directly to TISC, unless they are applying for WA Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) courses including the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) - Music Education.

    Experience based entry scheme
      If you satisfy our minimum academic requirements you may be eligible to be considered through our Experience Based Entry Scheme (EBES).

      This pathway assesses your ability to succeed in higher education based on your portfolio of evidence you provided to us. It allows you to be considered for entry to undergraduate courses and caters for:
      • school leavers with a near-miss ATAR for their chosen course;
      • school leavers who successfully completed at least 3 ATAR courses and 1 General course;
      • other applicants, who may or may not have completed Year 12.
      Some courses do not accept applications through this pathway - this will be noted in the published Course Entry requirement for your chosen degree at ECU.

      As part of your Experience Based Entry Scheme (EBES) application, you need to include:
      • an introductory letter;
      • a resume;
      • two written references;
      • copies of any certificates, awards or academic records if applicable (school leavers must also submit their most recent school report).
      EBES applicants will have their supporting documents assessed against specified criteria including reasons for study and demonstrated preparedness for tertiary level study and will be admitted to undergraduate level courses based on a competitive process.

      Eligibility for this admission pathway does not guarantee entry into an ECU course at undergraduate level.

      How to apply
      School Leavers applicants should apply to TISC and upload your supporting documents for assessment, unless they are applying for WA Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) courses including the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) - Music Education.

      All other applicants should apply directly to ECU and upload supporting documents for assessment (ecu.edu.au/apply).

    Qualification from a recognised training organisation (RTO)
      If you have completed an RTO Certificate IV award, and you meet the minimum English and academic requirements you may be eligible to be considered for entry to most of our undergraduate courses.

      If you've completed an RTO Diploma or Advanced Diploma (or equivalent) award, you'll be eligible to be considered for entry and may also be eligible to receive credit for recognition of prior learning.

      How to apply
      School Leavers applicants should apply to TISC and upload all relevant documents, unless they are applying for WA Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) courses including the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) - Music Education.

      All other applicants should apply directly to ECU and upload supporting documents for assessment (ecu.edu.au/apply).

    University preparation pathways
      If you satisfy ECU's minimum English and academic requirements, you may wish to consider our UniPrep course as an alternative pathway to our undergraduate courses.

      ECU offers the University Preparation Course (UniPrep) at three different campuses and the course is available to study online.

      On successful completion of the UniPrep, you're eligible to be considered for entry to most undergraduate courses at ECU subject to you also meeting any course specific requirements.

      ECU will make every effort to offer UniPrep graduates a place in their chosen undergraduate course, however, where the number of eligible applicants is greater than the number of places available, offers will be made on a competitive basis. Some courses, such as Nursing, Paramedicine, Imaging Science and Occupational Therapy are very popular and attract a large number of applicants each year.

      Australian citizens, holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa, Australian permanent residents and New Zealand citizens are currently eligible to study in a Commonwealth Supported Place, making these courses free, with no up-front or deferred tuition fee. Check ECU's website for details.

      How to apply
      School Leavers applicants should apply to TISC.

      All other applicants should apply directly to ECU (ecu.edu.au/apply).

    Creative Humanities portfolio entry
      Our Creative Humanities Portfolio Entry (CHPE) is a pathway for students who are creative and curious people but don't have an ATAR or don't meet the minimum entry requirements by another means.

      This pathway is available for the following courses:
      • Bachelor of Design
      • Bachelor of Visual Arts
      • Bachelor of Communication
      • Bachelor of Screen Production
      • Bachelor of Journalism and Broadcast Media
      • Bachelor of Creative Writing
      To be considered through this pathway, in addition to meeting the minimum English and academic requirements you'll also need to provide the following:
      • an introductory letter;
      • a digital Creative Portfolio containing examples of your creative work that show your potential to succeed in your selected course;
      • copies of any certificates, awards or academic records if applicable (school leavers must also submit their most recent school report);
      How to apply
      School Leaver applicants should apply to TISC and upload all relevant documents.

      All other applicants should apply direct to ECU and upload the require documents (ecu.edu.au/apply).

      For more information please refer to Creative Humanities Portfolio Entry.

    Special tertiary admissions test (STAT)
      ECU does not offer STAT to School Leaver applicants.

      Applicants completing STAT are required to satisfactorily complete both the Written English and Multiple Choice tests and achieve the minimum scores below.

      Bachelor/Associate Degrees
      STAT Prior to February 2010 After February 2010
      Written English 145 140
      Verbal or Quantitative components 115 135
      UniPrep or University Diploma Courses
      STAT Prior to February 2010 After February 2010
      Written English 125 110
      Verbal or Quantitative components 115 110

      How to apply
      Applicants should apply directly to ECU (ecu.edu.au/apply).
  • Educational access scheme

    ECU recognises that specific circumstances outside the control of an applicant may occur, which negatively impact on the individual's ability to successfully prepare for entry to university study.

    Applicants who have been impacted by one off or a series of events such as serious medical conditions or bereavements may be considered for entry.

    School leaver applicants should apply through TISC and upload all relevant documents, unless applying for WA Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) courses including Bachelor of Education (Secondary) - Music Education. Refer to Educational Access Scheme (EAS).

    All other applicants should apply directly to ECU and upload supporting documents for assessment.

    To be considered through this scheme, applicants must provide a statement and any supporting documents such as medical evidence required to verify their claims.
  • Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) courses and the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) – Music Education major

    In addition to meeting the minimum English and academic requirements entry to WAAPA and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) – Music Education is also dependent upon a successful audition and/or interview and/or folio presentation of previous work and/or practical/theoretical test.

    Audition/interview information will be published on the ECU website in July. Check our website for up-to-date information.

    How to apply
    All applicants are required to apply directly to ECU (ecu.edu.au/apply) and upload supporting documentation.

    For further enquiries contact futurestudy@ecu.edu.au or refer to the WAAPA website.
  • ECU application process

    Apply through TISC if you:
    • Are a School Leaver applicant. This includes Year 12 students currently enrolled in the UniPrep Schools course at ECU.
    Apply directly to ECU if you:
    • Are applying for a WAAPA course or the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) – Music Education major;
    • Are not a school leaver;
    • Have previously been made an offer of a place in a course at ECU or with WAAPA (excluding current Year 12 students enrolled in UniPrep School) and now:
      • want to be considered for an alternative course at ECU; OR
      • wish to take up your deferred offer from 2024; OR
      • have discontinued from your course at ECU and now wish to resume your studies in that course (Readmission).
  • General information

    Our campuses and online study
    The Joondalup Campus is located 25km north of Perth and is a short walk or bus ride from the Joondalup Train Station and Lakeside Joondalup, one of the largest shopping centres in WA. Joondalup campus features award-winning architecture, cafes, a bar, an outdoor cinema, a lake and loads of trees and green spaces for study. Here you can study business, law, engineering, psychology, nursing, health sciences, cybersecurity, and other science-related courses.

    Mount Lawley
    Located in the thriving cultural hub of Mount Lawley and close to Perth CBD, you can't help but be inspired by the artistic vibe at our Mount Lawley Campus. Here, you'll find one of the world's leading performing arts academies, the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts with courses in acting, music, dance, production and design and more. The campus is also home to students pursuing creative careers in Arts and Humanities, along with the next generation of aspiring teachers studying in our School of Education.

    ECU South West
    Located two hours' drive south of Perth, ECU South West in Bunbury is the largest university campus in regional Western Australia. Here, you can expect small, personalised class sizes and courses in commerce, science, health sciences, nursing, social work and teacher education. The campus features a cafe, creche facilities, multi-purpose sports courts, and a library with 24-hour access to a computer lab.

    Online Study
    If you'd like to study at university but can't attend classes for reasons such as distance, family or work commitments, then online study may be for you. Many of our courses and units are offered online, and our excellent support services are also available to online students. Courses can be seen via the Course Search facility.

    Deferral of an offer
    If you're offered a place you can apply to defer your offer for up to one year, subject to the course being available in the desired academic period. If deferral is approved, you'll be contacted by ECU, and provided with information on how to commence your studies in later semesters. A place for the same course and campus will only be guaranteed for the following two semesters, subject to availability. For some courses, such as WAAPA and those with competitive entry requirements, you won't be able to defer your offer and will be required to re-apply.

    Part-time study
    Part-time study doesn't necessarily refer to attendance at evening classes. Part-time study involves undertaking a lesser load than the normal full-time load. A normal full-time load is 60 credit points of study per semester, for example four units of 15 credit points each.

    Credit for recognition of prior learning (CRPL)
    See Advanced standing/credit transfer.
  • Further enquiries

    Obtain further information on ECU courses by contacting:

    Future Students
    Edith Cowan University
    270 Joondalup Drive

    Telephone within Australia: 134 328 (134 ECU), from Overseas: (61 8) 6304 0000
    Email: futurestudy@ecu.edu.au or
    Visit the website: ecu.edu.au and click on the Got a question? Ask Us link.

    Cricos Provider Code: 00279B