WA Students applying to Other Australian Tertiary Institutions

To expand your horizons, consider the full range of diverse and often specialised courses available at Australia's 37 publicly funded and two private universities. Universities around Australia welcome applications from interstate. Websites for all Australian universities can be reached via links on the Universities Australia website.

Applications for most undergraduate courses are processed through the tertiary admissions centre in each state.

New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
Applications for undergraduate courses at the participating institutions are made through the Universities Admissions Centre (NSW and ACT) Pty Ltd (UAC).

Northern Territory
Applications for all undergraduate courses and postgraduate courses by coursework for Charles Darwin University are made through the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC). Enquiries for the Tertiary Enabling Program and postgraduate courses by research should be directed to the Student Central, Charles Darwin University.

Applications for all undergraduate courses at Queensland and northern New South Wales universities; TAFE Queensland; Australian Maritime College and some private providers of post-secondary courses, are made through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre Ltd (QTAC). Applications for Bond University are predominately made direct to the University.

South Australia
Applications for most South Australian university and TAFE SA courses, selected Tabor Adelaide courses, must be made through the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC).

For admission to the University of Tasmania, including the Australian Maritime College, apply online at www.utas.edu.au/apply. For assistance with course information phone 1300 363 864 or email course.info@utas.edu.au.

Applications for VET courses, undergraduate degrees and some postgraduate qualifications at most most Victorian universities, TAFE institutes and a number of independent tertiary colleges are made through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).

Open Universities Australia
Open Universities Australia provides a flexible education option for those who are unable, or prefer not, to study on campus. An open access policy allows anyone to register regardless of educational background, location or age.

The Commonwealth Government's Course Seeker allows you to search and compare courses across the country and may be useful if you are interested in studying interstate.