Choosing preferences
How many courses can I choose?
You can choose up to six courses. List them in order of preference, starting with the course you'd most like to study. You should list more than one preference, especially if a similar course is offered at more than one university, or if your first preference is likely to be competitive (that is, more eligible applicants than there are places available). If you are not sure whether you meet the requirements for entry to a course, check with the relevant university's Future Students team. This is really a worthwhile thing to do before you apply – it saves you applying for courses for which you aren't eligible – and wasting a preference or three. It's a good idea to list preferences that have different Selection Rank or pre-requisite requirements, to give yourself the best chance of receiving an offer. You can refer to the course entry under the Course Search facility. Start with your dream course/s. Even if you're not confident you'll achieve the requirements, aim high. Then, add a couple of confident choices. Finally, it's a good idea to consider a fallback choice or two. Sometimes things don't go as you plan, and you can still find a path to your dream course, you just might need to consider a different route. If you were offered a place for 2024 but deferred your studies until 2025, see 'Did you defer your place?'. Does the order of my preferences matter?
Yes, it does matter. In the TISC offer rounds, you will only receive one offer. Your first preference should be the course you'd most like to study, your second preference the course you'd next prefer to do, and so on up to six preferences. List only courses for which you'd accept an offer. You'll be made an offer for the preference highest on your list for which you're eligible, if a place is available. Are all preferences given equal consideration?
Yes. Our system is designed to offer you the highest preference possible. If you're not selected for your first preference, you'll be considered equally with all other eligible applicants for your second preference, and so on. Your chance of being selected for a particular course isn't reduced because you've placed that course as a lower preference. Method of entry
Many courses offer experience-based entry. As part of choosing your preferences, you should consider whether you would like to be considered for experience-based entry. If your selected course code/s offer this entry pathway, you will see a check box next to this course code on your screen. Tick the check box if you wish to be considered for this entry pathway. This will then allow you to upload documents in the relevant category. If you meet the course requirements with your ATAR or equivalent selection rank, you will be made an offer based on that ATAR, and if you don't, the university can consider your experience-based entry application. You can change the method of entry or study as part of the preference change process at any time, subject to closing dates. -
Method of study
Method of study
The methods of study available for each course - full-time, part-time, or external - are shown in the Course Search facility. Make sure you take this into account when listing your preferences. You can only specify one method of study for each course code, but some universities allow you to change your method of study at enrolment. Contact the relevant universities for more information.- Full-time studies (F)
If you choose 'Full-time' as your method of study, you'll study a full-time load of units and enrol in classes on campus for whenever the unit is timetabled. This may be in the daytime or the evening. Some units may be offered in more than one timeslot. Full-time is indicated by 'F'. Full-time university studies don't usually involve the same number of contact hours as secondary school, because you are expected to be responsible for study and preparation in your own time. - Part-time studies (P)
You can study many courses part-time. Part-time means undertaking a lesser load of study than the normal full-time load. If you're a part-time student, you'll study a part-time load of units on campus. You'll enrol for classes on campus for whenever the unit is timetabled. This may be in the daytime or the evening. Some units may be offered in more than one timeslot. Courses available for part-time study are listed with method of study 'P'. - External studies (E)
If you're an external (off-campus) student, you won't normally attend classes on campus. Course materials will be made available online, or possibly mailed to you. Some courses may be offered either partially or fully online. External study is available for some courses at Curtin University, Edith Cowan University and Murdoch University (method of study 'E'). The University of Notre Dame Australia and The University of Western Australia don't currently offer external study for undergraduate Bachelor degree programs. Internet access is required for all external study at ECU.
Some Curtin courses are delivered either partially or fully online. If you're an external student, you won't attend classes on campus. Course materials are available online and you'll learn using a wide variety of sources that can include interactive videos and animations, simulations, online workgroups, etc. You're required to have internet access for Online Studies. Online Studies courses are indicated on the individual course entries available via the Course Search. To change a method of study after an offer has been made you'll need to discuss this with the university when you enrol. - Full-time studies (F)
Changing course preferences
You can change some or all of your preferences at any time, subject to closing dates. Changing your preferences cancels all previous sets of preferences. Current Year 12 applicants have a limited window of time after Year 12 results are released to change your preferences for the main offer round. We strongly recommend that you give serious thought to your preferences before then, to avoid making a rushed decision. There will also be plenty of time between the two offer rounds to review and reconsider your preferences if you wish. If you're thinking of changing preferences between the offer rounds, don't accept or defer your offer. Don't change your preferences until you've been notified by one of the universities or by TISC that an offer has been made. Make sure you understand the implications of changing preferences at this stage. Read the information on Offers. How do I change preferences?
Via TISCOnline - Log in to your account, then click on Application Enter/Update then Course Preferences. If you forget your password, follow the prompts to change it – don't create a new application. Changing preferences is a 3-step process, which involves moving through three pages online - make sure that you go through all 3 steps and receive a reference number, then you'll know you've completed the change. It cost nothing to change your preferences. If you applied for a course with an early closing date, you must be very careful when changing your preferences. If you accidentally removed a closed course code from your preferences, you will not be able to add it again. If this happens to you, contact TISC immediately for advice. Once you've changed your preferences online you'll see a page confirming the changes you've made and providing a reference number, which you can print if you like. You can log in at any time to check your preferences, but make sure that you're viewing your current committed preferences, rather than those in your Course Folder or those which are still uncommitted. Closing dates for changing preferences
See Important Dates. Check the deadlines to see whether any course you want to add has an early closing date. Closing dates can't be extended. There's also a short closure period before the main round of offers when you can't change preferences. If you don't understand the procedure involved, or if you're unsure whether or not to change preferences, contact TISC or the Admissions Centre at one of the universities before you do anything at all - in particular before you accept or defer your offer.