How do I apply via TISCOnline?

  • Step One - logging in

    If you already have a User ID (your 2024 WACE number) and a default password, go to Step 3.

    If you have no User Id, go to Step 2 to Register.

  • Step Two - registering

    Register on TISCOnline and receive a User ID to use. Set your own password.

    Please do not register again, if you have an User ID but have forgotten what your password is - email for assistance.

  • Step Three - understanding the process

    Thoroughly check the information on this website to understand the process of applying.

    You will need to complete the next 6 steps to lodge your application successfully. You can only lodge one TISC application each year but you can alter your preference choices before any closing deadline.

    Ensure you have your Unique Student Identifier (USI). Visit to create or find your USI. Refer to Applying Online for further details.

  • Step Four - starting application

    Login to the online application system using your User ID and password and follow the prompts to start an application or go to Application enter/update on the left hand menu.

  • Step Five - adding preferences

    Choose at least one preference (university course) and continue on.

    You have an option of six. You can view courses available via Course Search facility. Updates on course availability is made throughout the cycle.

  • Step Six - qualifications

    Provide details of your previous and current studies/qualifications under the appropriate application page. Please do not duplicate qualifications on the different pages.

    You will be able to upload any required academic transcripts after declaring your application.

  • Step Seven - declaration and payment

    Declare application (accept application conditions) and pay the application fee. An unpaid application will not be considered for university entry.

  • Step Eight - required documentation

    Print coversheet and read carefully. This will advise what academic documentation you are required to submit and what TISC can access.

  • Step Nine - upload supporting documentation

    Upload to your TISC application all supporting documentation requested by the Coversheet. TISC will email concerning any extra submissions that are required.

  • Remember: You can stop part-way through your online application at any stage, save what you've done, and complete it another time, subject to closing dates. Your application is not active until you have completed the declaration step and made payment. Until then, you can't access (or even see) a number of online menu items (including change of preferences).

    Note: You need to login to access/see some online menu items.