Why do we collect information?
How do we collect personal information?
What personal information do we collect?
How we use personal information
How we disclose personal information
Security of your information
Data quality and accuracy
Direct marketing
Access to your personal information
If you have a complaint about your privacy and TISC
Changes to our Privacy Policy
Last updated June 2018
The Tertiary Institutions Service Centre is an incorporated association formed by the public universities of Western Australia to:- process applications for undergraduate courses at the universities;
- take bookings for and run the Special Tertiary Admissions Test;
- administer the Western Australian Universities' Foundation Program;
- encourage participation in tertiary study in Western Australia.
Why do we collect personal information
TISC collects information for the primary purposes of:- processing applications for undergraduate places at member universities;
- booking candidates into the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT);
- calculating the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for Western Australian Year 12 students;
- administering the Western Australian Universities' Foundation Program (WAUFP).
How do we collect personal information?
We collect personal information in a number of ways, including:- directly from you, for example when you:
- apply for a university place;
- apply to sit STAT;
- study the WAUFP;
- respond to our request for information;
- from third parties, such as educational institutions you have attended, or we reasonably believe that you have attended, or authorities who hold results of examinations you have sat, or we reasonably believe you have sat, including:
- School Curriculum and Standards Authority;
- your school;
- interstate Tertiary Admission Centres providing Year 12 results;
- Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority;
- International Baccalaureate Organisation;
- New Zealand Qualifications Authority;
- Cambridge International Examinations;
- Australian Council for Educational Research;
- tertiary institutions you have attended;
- people or organisations you have authorised us to communicate with on your behalf.
If practical to do so, you may deal with us anonymously or using a pseudonym. However, this is only possible in limited circumstances, for example if you are visiting our website or using the Course Search on our website or making a general enquiry via telephone or email or in person.Unsolicited personal information
If we receive personal information we have not requested or required, we will determine as soon as we can whether it is information we could have collected under the APPs. If we consider that we could have collected it under the APPs, we will keep it and treat it as if we had collected it under the APPs. If we consider that we could not have collected it under the APPs, then we will destroy or de-identify the information, if this is reasonable and lawful. TopWhat personal information to we collect?
New user registration
When you register on our site as a new user we require:- name, date of birth and gender;
- notification address;
- phone and email.
Current-year WACE students
Each year, as authorised by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) Act 1997, we collect information about all students enrolled with SCSA in at least one Year 12 WACE course unit in that year. The information we collect includes:- name, date of birth and gender;
- notification address;
- phone and email;
- whether or not a student is an Australian citizen/permanent resident;
- whether or not a student is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent;
- school attended;
- courses and units enrolled and school and examination assessments for those courses;
- previous years' Year 11 and Year 12 results.
Application to university
When you apply online for a university place we collect:- information you gave when you registered;
- permanent home address;
- Australian citizenship/Australian residency status, country of birth, date of first arrival in Australia, if relevant, and date permanent residence of Australia was granted, if relevant;
- language spoken at home;
- *whether you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent;
- *highest education level of your parents or guardians;
- course preferences;
- details of Year 12 level study you have attempted or completed;
- details of post-secondary study you have attempted or completed;
- whether you have attempted STAT;
- details of a credit card holder and authorisation to process a credit card transaction, unless you pay online.
- information about facilities available at the universities for people with a disability or chronic medical condition;
- details of other study options if your application is unsuccessful.
- current or previous Year 12 or equivalent results from an Australian State or Territory; New Zealand Certificate of Educational Achievement Level 2 and 3; current International Baccalaureate Diploma; current Cambridge International Examination IGCSE, AS and A level results;
- current or previous Australian university studies (except from the University of Notre Dame Australia);
- current studies from a Western Australian TAFE college;
- current or previous STAT results.
Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)
When you book to sit STAT in WA previously known as the Special Tertiary Admissions Test we collect the following:- name, date of birth and gender;
- notification address;
- phone and email;
- Australian citizenship/Australian residency status;
- whether you are currently enrolled in WACE courses;
- whether you are sitting STAT for entry to a Western Australian TAFE college;
- which test(s) you wish to sit;
- details of a credit card holder and authorisation to process a credit card transaction.
- name, date of birth and gender;
- date and State/Territory of test session;
- STAT results.
Western Australian Universities' Foundation Program (WAUFP)
When you register for the WAUFP we require:- name, date of birth and gender;
- phone and email;
- college attending;
- country of citizenship;
- subjects you are enrolling in.
- WAUFP candidate number;
- registration information;
- notification address for results;
- permanent home address;
- course preferences;
- country of birth, passport number, Australian visa type;
- agent name, address, telephone/fax and email, if applicable.
Sensitive information
Sometimes we will collect sensitive information about you, to enable the universities to assess your application. For example, whether you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin if you apply for university through TISC, or health information you may provide in a personal statement you submit in support of your application. We will only collect this information from you, or with your consent.Credit card details
If the credit card details that you provide are not yours, then you are agreeing that you have provided them with the owner's consent and that they know about TISC's Privacy Policy and where to find it. TopCollecting through our website
Apart from the personal information we tell you about in this policy, when you visit our website we collect non-personally identifiable information automatically about your Internet connection including (but not limited to):- Internet Protocol (IP) address you used to access the Internet;
- IP address or URL of the website from which you directly linked to this site;
- date and time of your visit to this site;
- pages accessed and the documents downloaded;
- type of browser you are using and your operating system;
- your screen dimensions and colour depth;
- search terms used on our search engine.
When you visit our website, we send cookies to your browser from our webserver and store it on your computer or mobile device. These cookies help us remember your browsing preferences for delivering content specific to your interest, and to validate your browser session identity. We also use mandatory secure cookies for member authentication purposes and to improve security during your session online. Our site uses 'per session' cookies that remain valid until your browser session is ended or you delete them. We will not try to identify anonymous users or their browsing activities unless legally compelled to do so. If your browser is set to disable all cookies then your access to our website will be limited, and you will not be able to register to apply online.Email address
We will only hold your email address if you:- send us a message via email; or
- you provide it to us as part of the registration, application or STAT booking processes; or
- you subscribe to TISCUpdates, our free subscription email service to keep you up to date with changes to our website.
How we use personal information
TISC only uses your information for the purpose for which it was provided to us or other directly related purposes or with your consent or as required or permitted by law. These purposes include:- allowing TISC and member universities to assess your university application in a reliable, valid and equitable manner;
- notifying you of missing information or changes that relate to your university application, STAT booking or WAUFP enrolment;
- assisting member universities with enrolments and/or special programs;
- scaling WACE results (jointly with the School Curriculum and Standards Authority) and calculating an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR);
- scaling WAUFP results and calculating a Combined Percentage Score (CPS);
- ensuring that you are eligible to sit STAT and that your results are correctly issued to you;
- ensuring that you are able to sit the appropriate WAUFP examinations and that your results are correctly issued to you;
- facilitating provision to you of information you have requested, for example information about study opportunities if your application is unsuccessful; or answering your enquiries;
- for planning and quality control;
- facilitating research into senior secondary and higher education;
- acting as the official archive for WA Year 12 scaled scores and ATARs, WAUFP results and Combined Percentage Scores;
- maintaining the archive database of results from STAT sittings in Australia and overseas.
How we disclose personal information
Information we hold about you may be disclosed to other organisations in the course of our business. These may include:- Member universities;
- Australian tertiary admission centres;
- educational institutions, including schools, universities and WA TAFE, you attended or where TISC reasonably believes you were enrolled;
- examining bodies whose examinations you have sat, or TISC reasonably believes you have sat, including the Australian Council for Educational Research if you sit or have sat STAT;
- State government education authorities, the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia (if you attended a Catholic school); the Association of Independent Schools of WA (if you attended a member school);
- Commonwealth Department of Education or its successor;
- Contracted service providers TISC uses to perform services on its behalf, for example, mailing houses to which TISC contracts despatch of correspondence; IT service providers;
- WA TAFE Admissions if you sat STAT in WA;
- Universities Australia.
Overseas disclosure
TISC may disclose your personal information to organisations outside Australia. These may include:- the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) in Wales, if you have undertaken the IB Diploma;
- the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) in New Zealand, if you have studied Level 2 or Level 3 NCEA;
- Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) in the United Kingdom, if you have studied CIE AS or A level subjects;
- Secondary schools which offer the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE or AUSMAT) offshore. If you attended one of these schools, TISC may send your Universities Admission Advice Letter (UAAL) (Year 12 results and ATAR) to you through your school. TISC may also make your Year 12 results available to your school via secure online access.
Disclosure of sensitive information
We only disclose your sensitive information for the purpose for which you gave it to us or for directly related purposes or with your consent.WACE students
In the year in which you sat WACE, TISC will disclose your scaled scores and ATAR to Australian tertiary admission centres and to your school. Interstate tertiary admission centres will only use your results if you apply through them or direct for a university place at one of their participating institutions then or in a subsequent year. Schools use their students' results for counselling, ongoing standards monitoring and record keeping.STAT candidates
STAT results held in TISC's archive database may be made available to TISC's member universities, WA TAFE Admissions Centre), interstate tertiary admission centres or one of their participating institutions if you apply for a university or training place.WAUFP results
TISC discloses WAUFP results and CPSs to member universities. TISC also sends their students' results and CPSs to each WAUFP provider college.If you're under 18
TISC considers that personal information is private to the person concerned and we will not disclose such information to other individuals or bodies, including an individual's parents, except as provided for in this policy, without the express approval of the individual concerned. TopSecurity of your information
We take reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information that we hold or collect is protected from misuse, interference or loss and from unauthorised use or disclosure. The Internet is an insecure medium and you should be aware that there are inherent risks in transmitting information across the Internet. However, we try at all times to provide a high level of security over all data and activities on our website. Any personal information that you enter is encrypted by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Technology. Our SSL technology is the current industry standard. Databases are protected from the Internet by secure firewalls. TISC servers and offsite backups are located in Perth, WA. Information on our databases is retained as part of our records archive. Hard copy is stored securely at TISC's premises. Hard copy information is retained for 12 months and then securely destroyed. We require any service providers we use to comply with the APPs. We have requested that any overseas recipients of personal information from us comply with the APPS as if they were bound by them. Credit card information that you enter online is not stored at TISC. Instead, credit cards are validated in real time through a secure major Payment Gateway and the funds settled in real time. The Payment Gateway may share your payment data with banks and other entities that process payment transactions. Credit card information you provide as hard copy or over the phone is stored electronically for up to a week while we process your transaction and then permanently deleted; hard copy details are securely destroyed after 12 months.External links
Our site may contain links to other sites, or other sites may link to our site. Those third party sites may collect information about you. Your use of those links is subject to the privacy statement of the providers of those sites. TISC is not responsible for the privacy practices or contents of those sites. TopData quality and accuracy
We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, up to date, complete and relevant to the purpose for which it was intended. You must take reasonable steps to ensure that the information we collect from you is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading. If you become aware that any of the personal information we hold about you may be inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or is misleading, then you should notify our Privacy Officer at privacy@tisc.edu.au as soon as possible. We will correct your information if it is reasonable to do so, but there are some circumstances in which we may refuse your request. If we do so, we will notify you and give you the reason(s) and tell you what you may do to complain.Fraudulent information
When you apply for university, book to sit STAT or register for the WAUFP you complete a declaration that the information you give us is true and complete. It is a serious offence if you provide us with information that is false. Therefore, if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that you have provided false information of any kind to us, we will take necessary action to investigate. Your acceptance of the declaration is your consent that if any information you provide with, and/or is obtained in connection with, your university application, STAT Booking Form or WAUFP is untrue or incomplete in any respect, TISC and all participating universities may collect, receive, store, transfer and use this information, and disclose this information and the fact that it is untrue or incomplete to Universities Australia, Universities Australia member institutions, the members of the Australasian Conference of Tertiary Admissions Centres (ACTAC), and any other authority which TISC reasonably considers necessary or desirable to inform. TopDirect marketing
We will only use your personal information such as an address, email address and/or phone number for the purpose of direct marketing where we have obtained your consent to do so, or in circumstances where you would reasonably expect your personal information would be used or disclosed for this purpose. Direct marketing activities that we and our related bodies corporate may conduct include contacting you by way of phone calls , mail, email, SMS text messages, mobile message services MMS, instant messaging or social media. Where you have provided consent or would reasonably expect us to use your personal information for direct marketing, we may disclose personal information to third parties to allow them to direct market in the ways described above. The types of third parties that may contact you with direct marketing are set out above in "How we disclose personal information". There are also times when we join with other business associates and may undertake joint marketing of our respective products and services to you. Your consent to receive direct marketing communications in the above ways will be deemed if you do not opt out when we offer you the opportunity to do so and will remain current for an indefinite period of time unless and until you advise us otherwise. You can opt-out of receiving direct marketing at any time (see below). You can let us know (opt out) at any time if you do not want the personal information we hold about you to be used or disclosed for any of the above purposes, or if you do not wish to be contacted in any of the above ways, by sending an email to the Privacy Officer at TISC, privacy@tisc.edu.au, or by mail to Level 1, 100 Royal Street, East Perth WA 6004. TopAccess to your personal information
You have the right to access personal information we hold about you. We will only give you access to your personal information if we can verify your identity. We may be able to give some information over the phone, but if we cannot identify you, or the information you request is lengthy or complex, then we reserve the right to ask you to apply in writing to our Privacy Officer, by mail to Privacy Officer, TISC, Level 1, 100 Royal Street, East Perth WA 6004 or via email privacy@tisc.edu.au. We will respond to your request within 14 working days. We may charge a service fee for sending information to you. We may refuse access where:- your request is frivolous or vexatious;
- your request relates to existing or anticipated legal action by you against TISC and would not be accessible by the process of discovery in those proceedings;
- your request would be unlawful;
- giving access might prejudice one or more enforcement related activities by or on behalf of an enforcement body or we believe might pose a serious threat to an individual.
Copy of past results
If you require a copy of past WA Year 12 or STAT results on official stationery, then download and complete the Application for Record of Results form and submit it with the required proof of your identity to TISC. There is a fee for this service. TopIf you have a complaint about your privacy and TISC
If you wish to complain about how we have handled your personal information, you need to contact us in writing:-
Privacy Officer
Level 1, 100 Royal Street